Abigail Hinman Chapter, NSDAR, is the fortieth and newest chapter organized in Connecticut, in February of 2020. The chapter is based in Stonington. Our chapter's namesake is Abigail Hinman, a local Revolutionary War legend who saved several houses in New London during the siege by Benedict Arnold.
Abigail Dolbeare Hinman (1743-1816) was present in New London, Connecticut, during the Burning of New London and the Battle at Groton Heights/Battle of Fort Griswold on September 6, 1781. She recognized Benedict Arnold as he raided the city. When the newly turned redcoat, Brigadier General Arnold, came to her house, legend states that she confronted him and told the traitor that he would not burn down her house. He agreed not to burn her house or the houses that she pointed out to him as belonging to friends. When Arnold left her home, legend states she grabbed her husband’s musket and shot at him. The shot flew over his shoulder, and she convinced him that it was not her. Having shown her support for the Patriot cause, Abigail became a local heroine in Southeastern Connecticut.
Daniel Huntington, Abigail Dolbeare Hinman, 1854 - 1856
Lyman Allen Art Museum, New London, Connecticut
Mary Macon Aylett | PS (Virginia)
William Aylett | Col (Virginia)
Jacob Allen | Sgt (New Jersey)
Ignatius Baker | PS (Virginia)
Oliver Bennett | Pvt (Connecticut)
Richard Berkshire | Ens (Pennsylvania)
Moses Bly | Private (New Hampshire)
John Bowe | PVT (Virginia)
James Bowles | PVT (Connecticut)
Joshua Brown | CS, Lt (Connecticut)
John Burroughs | PS (South Carolina)
Emanuel Carpenter, Sr. | CS PS (Pennsylvania)
Levi Chapman | Private (Connecticut)
Joseph Christian | Lt (Virginia)
Elisha Clark| Pvt (Rhode Island)
Seth Coe | Private (Connecticut)
Simeon Crumm | Sgt (Rhode Island)
Edward Davies | PS (Georgia)
Benjamin Dowd| Pvt (Connecticut)
Richard Dowd, Jr. | PS (Connecticut)
Daniel Dunham | Lt (Connecticut)
John Earle | PS (New York)
James Elkins | Private PS (Virginia)
Elisha Field, Jr. | Private (Vermont)
Frederick Garst | Private (Pennsylvania)
Richard Gibbs | PS (Pennsylvania)
Josiah Halsted | Corporal PS (New York)
Elijah Hadsell | Pvt (Connecticut, Rhode Island)
Patrick Henry | PS, Col (Virginia)
John Hickock | PVT (Connecticut)
Elihu Higbee | Private (Connecticut)
Parley Hulett | Sol (Vermont)
Ebenezer Jacquith, Jr. | Private (Massachusetts)
Amos Jillson | Capt (Rhode Island, Connecticut)
Frederick Kast | PS, Pvt (New York)
John Keen | Soldier PS (North Carolina)
William Lequier | PS. Pvt (New Jersey)
John Lloyd | PS (South Carolina)
Andrew Lothrop| Capt (Connecticut)
Thomas Miner | PS (New Hampshire)
Thomas Moore | Private (Pennsylvania)
Samuel Pendleton | PS (Rhode Island)
William Price | Private (Massachusetts)
Rufus Putnam | Brigadier General (Massachusetts)
Gersham Rust | Sgt (Massachusetts)
Edward Saunders | PS (Rhode Island)
Solomon Savage, Sr. | PS (Connecticut)
Timothy Stevens | Pvt (Connecticut)
Thomas Tinsley | PS (Virginia)
Isaac Vars | CS PS (Rhode Island)
James Van Horn | LT (New Jersey)
John Van Voorhees | Pvt (New Jersey)
Robert Walden | Private (Connecticut)
Eli Whaples | Corp (Connecticut)
Joel White | Pvt (Vermont)
Isaac Wheeler, Sr. | Lieutenant (Connecticut)
James Wills | Private (Rhode Island, Massachusetts)
CS: Civil Service | PS: Patriotic Service
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